Mastering AI marketing

AI marketing has evolved from a concept to a transformative force and is being adopted at speed by forward-thinking marketers to help them with everything from lead scoring to personalization to content creation.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in marketing and sales,” notes a report by , adding that businesses already investing in AI are seeing “a revenue uplift of 3 to 15 percent, and a sales ROI uplift of 10 to 20 pe

Home is where the art is for photographer and publisher

The living and dining area of Jane Ussher and Grant Gallagher's home opens off the the double-height entrance atrium, providing gallery-like spaces for sculptures by Grant

The light-filled, open-plan living and dining area of photographer Jane Ussher and publisher (and after-hours sculptor) Grant Gallagher's Auckland home resembles a lived-in contemporary art gallery.

The main area opening off a vertiginous double-height atrium, features several intriguing sculptures by Grant, which he works o

This home combines a high-country feel with city living

The smell of waxed wood and worn leather furniture greets you as soon as you push open the heavy front door to Chris Burke's lodge-like home. Girl, the outdoorsman's hunting companion, waits on the landing at the top of the entranceway stairs where two deep armchairs beckon, draped invitingly in furs. A few steps beyond, in the living room, an old painting of several men on horseback hangs above the fireplace.

How to be as human as possible whilst going through a restructure

Restructures occur for a myriad of reasons, and they’re never easy for anyone involved. But whatever the reasons for company reorganisations, it is critical that leaders get the process right, or they risk damaging their businesses' brand in both the short and long-term. If you want to lead a successful transformation, studies have shown that communicating empathetically with your employees is critical, before, during, and after the changes have taken place.

“One of the biggest and most fundame

Inside Auckland wallpaper fanatic's colourful home, where she's even papered the bedhead

Relda in the kitchen; the Buddha wallpaper design began with a photograph taken by Joanne; the “F” artwork in the kitchen was bought at a Samoan tsunami fundraiser – it seemed appropriate, says Relda: “Frogley, food, family.”

There isn't a surface in Relda Frogley's St Mary's Bay home that's immune to wallpaper. It doesn't matter a jot whether the surface is flat or gently curved, horizontal or vertical: if it's blank, there's a very real chance it may soon find itself transformed with huge ima

Expat Kiwi turns London townhouse into tranquil haven

The armchair in the drawing room, which has been covered in wool felt, is probably the only new piece of furniture in the house.

A glass ceiling brings light into the dining room, which is home to an 18th century Flemish table, called the “tiger table” by the antique dealers who sold it to Cassandra. It is hand-painted around the base and legs and has been the location of “many, many fantastic dinners”.

Cassandra Ellis doesn't believe in buying "make-do" furniture. The expat Aucklander would m

Creating content that stands out from the pack

“You either have to do content well or not do it at all,” says Michael Oliver. For the Director of Marketing at MBK Search, that means steering away from basic how-to blogs and listicles and taking a journalistic approach to content that targets the top-tier risk, audit, and compliance talent the UK-based global recruitment firm wants to attract.

Traditionally, recruitment marketing takes one of two approaches: the first is SEO-driven articles like “How to improve your CV” or “What do to in an

A Fintech Marketer's Perspective on Content Creation, SEO, and the Power of ChatGPT

Amanda Laviana has a theory. “It’s not AI that will put marketers out of work, it’s marketers who know how to use AI that will put marketers who don’t know how to use AI out of work,” she says. “I don't think that there's any AI tool that's anywhere remotely good enough to become the copywriter for any organization — and smart organizations know that. But what not every company has is a set of marketers who can rely on AI to give themselves shortcuts.”

The Senior Marketing Manager for Brand & C

What it takes to build a speak-up culture in the workplace

Building a speak-up culture within a workplace takes effort, but it’s a worthy endeavour for leaders who want to increase engagement and reduce attrition. Victoria Lewis, CEO of Byrne Dean, Ajit Moorthy, Director of Resolution at Byrne Dean, Fudia Smartt, Principal Consultant at Byrne Dean, and Julie Chakraverty, Founder of Rungway, shared their thoughts on how to foster a speak-up culture within organisations in a recent webinar hosted by Byrne Dean, which include acknowledging the barriers tha

Bold Marketing in Times of Uncertainty - A CEO's Perspective

“I think times like these reward big swings,” says Simon Walker, acknowledging that one of the biggest challenges facing most marketers right now is the economic downturn and the caution that engenders in buyers.

Walker, CEO at , an integrated marketing agency based in Auckland, New Zealand, says that, while a recession might not be borne out by the figures, “there is the negative sentiment, which makes it hard to get a business owner who's worried about the sky falling in to spend their money

How data can power venture funding

“Something that blows my mind is if you ask 10 different start-ups—even high-flying unicorns—how they report their annual recurring revenue (ARR), you will get 10 different answers. You might even get twelve answers because one company reports it in two different ways,” says Sean Whitney, Principal at Craft Ventures, a San Francisco-based venture capital firm focused on early-stage startups.

“As SaaS investors that focus a lot on traction, [we want to know] how much ARR you have, how much you a

Speak the Language of the New Tech Buyer

“We have to change the language we’re using to speak to decision-makers,” says Simon Walker. “The tech buyer has changed. For the last thirty years, the technology industry predominantly sold hardware to technical people. But that paradigm has shifted with the prevalence of SaaS and technology moving from hardware to the cloud, which means that everyone in a business can now be a technology buyer.”

Walker, the CEO and founder of Proposition, an integrated marketing agency based in Auckland, New

Tougher rules for businesses not following Covid-secure guidance when English lockdown ends

The situation with Covid-19 is rapidly changing and this article will continue to be updated throughout. For the latest guidelines, please refer to

The Government has announced that England will be moving back into a system of tiered restrictions as part of its “Covid-19 Winter Plan” for when the second national lockdown ends on 2 December. Although the restrictions will be “tougher” than they were in October, it currently appears that the lettings industry will be able to continue oper

How to win in the new normal

The lettings industry - and life itself - has changed.

Restrictions on lettings activity and house moves have been lifted (for now) but social distancing measures are here to stay for the foreseeable future to prevent a second peak of coronavirus (Covid-19). This means that, although many of us are now back at work, it’s a long way from business as usual and agencies are beginning to adapt to what lettings looks like in the new normal.

5 Ways Employers Can Support Neurodiverse Employees

Building a workplace in which neurodiversity is supported is crucial for employers, from your hiring processes right through to your companywide culture.

Neurodiverse employees can bring unique strengths to businesses and organisations. But employers need to ensure that they’re offering a workplace where neurodiverse employees feel supported and accommodations will need to be made. “It is firmly in the interest of employers to put practices and procedures in place to cultivate and support an in

A Puhoi homestead that bursts with antique treasures

Time seems to slow down in Puhoi Village. In this enclave 30 minutes north of Auckland, you'll find the ancestors of the Bohemian immigrants who settled here 150 years ago still wearing traditional dress as they wander past the century-old church and the shop that sells oysters and chips wrapped in newspaper. Children still learn the language of their homeland. In summer there's a wood-chopping competition on the lawn of the old pub, and in winter you can take your favourite game dish to the wild food night. "It's neat," says Bob Gilhooly. "It's like something you'd see in a village in Europe."
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